
The city is having problems with trash removal.

He uttered an oath and walked away.

If you're naive enough to believe him, you'll believe anyone.

This is the time of year when hunters are stalking the woods for deer.

Do you reckon you'll be able to go to the grocery store after work?

1.removal  [rɪˋmuv!]

(n.) the act or process of removing

* He consented to the removal of the flags.


2.oath [oθ]

(n.) a solemn attestation of the truth or inviolability of one's words

something (as a promise) corroborated by an oath

* He took an oath to give up gambling.


3.naive [nɑˋiv]

(adj.) not having been exposed previously to an antigen

marked by unaffected simplicity

* She asked a lot of naive questions.

* I was young and naive at the time, and I didn't think anything bad could happen to me.

* The plan seems a little naive.


4.stalk [stɔk]

(v.i.)to pursue quarry or prey stealthily

to walk stiffly or haughtily

* She called the police because her ex-boyfriend was stalking her.


5.reckon [ˋrɛkən]

(v.t.) count

to regard or think of as

* We'll have to leave early, I reckon.

* They reckoned that they would reach their destination by noon.


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