
The tourists didn't linger very long.

The jury heard 10 days of testimony.

I'm drining, so I have to stay sober tonight.

The sun shone for brief intervals throughout the day.

We deplore the development of nuclear weapons.

1.linger [ˋlɪŋgɚ]

(v.i.) to be slow in parting or in quitting something

to remain alive although gradually dying

to be slow to act

to move slowly

* She lingered at the art exhibt.


2.testimony  [ˋtɛstə͵monɪ]

(n.) a divine decree attested in the Scriptures

firstshand authentication of a fact

an ourward sign

an open acknowledgment

a public profession of religious experience

* There were contradictions in her testimony.


3.sober [ˋsobɚ]

(adj.) sparing in the use of food and drink

not addicted to intoxicating drink

not drunk

marked by sedate or gravely or earnestly thoughtful

* He is a sober, hardworking farmer.


4.interval  [ˋɪntɚv!]

(n.) a space of time between events or states

a space between objects, units, points, or states

difference in pitch between tones

* There will be a 20-minute interval between acts one and two.


5.deplore [dɪˋplor]

(v.t.) to feel or express grief for

to regret strongly

to consider unfortunate or deserving of deprecation

* Many people deplored the change.

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    Kiss The Baby Sky

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