
Grotesque faces are carved over the doorway of the old building.

Crumble the cookies into small bits.

You're making a ghastly mistake.

The fort's defenses were thought to be impenetrable.

1.grotesque  [groˋtɛsk]

(n.) a piece of work in this style

one that is grotesque

(adj.) of, relating to, or having the characteristics of the grotesque

* The actors wore dark capes and grotesque masks.

* Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting.


2.transcendent [trænˋsɛndənt]

(adj.) exceeding usual limits

extending or lying beyond the limits of ordinary experience

being beyond comprehension


3.crumble  [ˋkrʌmb!]

(v.t.) to break into small pieces

(v.i.) to fall into small pieces

to break down completely

* The recipe calls for the herbs to be crumbled.


4.ghastly [ˋgæstlɪ]

(adj.) terrifyingly horrible to the senses

intensely, unpleasant, disagreeable, or objectionable

resembling a ghost

very great

* His room was a ghastly mess.


5.impenetrable  [ɪmˋpɛnətrəb!]

(adj.) incapable of being penetrated or pierced

inaccessible to knowledge, reason, or sympathy

incapable of being comprehended


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