* Justin has a prominent nose.
* One of our teacher is sick, so we need someone to substitute.
* The tribe is divided into clans.
1.abortive [əˋbɔrtɪv]
(adj.) prematurely born
imperfectly formed or developed
tending to cut short
2.elation [ɪˋleʃən]
(n.) the quality or state of being elated
* This little incident filled me with elation.
3.prominent [ˋprɑmənənt]
(adj.) standing out or projecting beyond a surface or line
widely and popularly known
* Lizzy had a prominent part in the play.
4.clan [klæn]
(n.) a group of people tracing descent from a common ancestor
a group united by a common interest or common characteristics
* The whole clan gets together for the holidays.
5.substitute [ˋsʌbstə͵tjut]
(n.) a person or thing that takes the place or function of another
(v.t.) to put or use in the place of another
to take the place of
(v.i.) to serve as a substitute
* Is saccharin a good substitute for sugar?